Well this week I have been trolling through my 'craft' boxes that have been packed away for 4 years while I recovered, looking for... well we all remember the useful box in Playschool don't we!! My friend grownup Lucy was here. Now this woman is identical to my other friend Kim, in that they have zero clutter at their houses. I mean ZERO!!! Every time I emerged from downstairs with more 'useful' items to use to make the wedding place cards, grown up Lucy would just frown and say "and wait there's more". All the while eagerly anticipating the free knife set to pop out of the box.
I preceded to tell her with the eager excitement of a child that all this sudden burst of wedding craft has made me feel all crafty again. That the world of craft has changed in the last 4 years. Did you know that you can get your printer to printout edible stickers for your cookies and cupcakes and things. Oh my gosh edible ink!!! Check out these cookies. I love appliances. Who wouldn't love this. I had no idea!!

Now that was my first discovery of particular changes in the craft world. Now just as earth shaking is a thing called a Silhouette Machine. Now a quick visit to The House of Smith blog and you will see what I mean. Checkout the million uses for the vinyl lettering.

I'm sure my children's schooling experience could be enhanced by the purchase of one or both of these machines. I'm still working on the precise application of this to the furtherance of their education but give me a few more days and I'm sure I could come up with something. But the opportunities for it's use in the wedding are endless. Everyone here is just frowning at me saying paint or chalk will do the job. But don't you agree that the possibilities for owning this vinyl lettering machine is endless. Lucy just kept shaking her head and didn't get it.

Well with the wedding only two weeks away and my friend Kim still has not provided me with a pair of pants that are worn by her son Peet called 'magic money pants'(you know teenager with no cash on hand) I guess I will quietly pack my craft things back up and put it all away UNTIL.... My daughter and her new husband get a Defence Force house and I get her room downstairs as my new CRAFT ROOM!!!!! Mind you I still have very limited vision & dexterity but I can string a sentence together most days now. Luckily I had 5 girls who all enjoy crafty stuff as well. My biggest hiccup is last time I checked the bank account it was all heading to pay for a wedding. You can't blame a girl for dreaming though and I'm only writing this now because my husband has gone to the Temple and can't see what crazy thing has caught my eye now.
Needless to say I will check back into the craft world in another 4 years after the oldest daughter Ashleigh is married and Dan has gone & returned from his mission. Imagine what things they will have come up with by then. Oh but just look at those cookies...