It has been raining non stop here in Brisbane. 201mm fell in just 24 hours in our suburb. We've been on the tight water restrictions for a long while , so strict at one point they had patrols roaming the street to make sure no one was using the water incorrectly. We have an over zealous State Government, but that is a whole other subject?
Needless to say my children see failing rain as an immediate cue to race outside and find the biggest possible mud puddle. Today it was the veggie garden. Fortunate we haven't planted anything in it as yet.
I expected the kids to wake up this morning at least half a metre taller due to the compost rich soil that they 'swam' in. My bathroom was totally trashed by the time they made their way up the stairs , through the back door and made mud prints all the way to the bathroom. Lucy still had it in her ears last night.

This is our favorite park before and after the flooding. Next stop is Wivenhoe Dam as they've opened the flood gates and that is always a fantastic sight.
1 comment:
Oh my! I can't believe all that rain! And I can't believe you were brave enough to let your kids get so muddy! :) You should have posted pictures of your bathroom!
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