Monday, May 17, 2010


Well TOS Expo is over and what a fantastic time it was. There were women in Bolivia, Germany, Alaska,Sicily, US just to name a few. One lady put in the chat box that the tornado sirens where going off and she had to go. We had news footage of the actual tornado's here in Australia!! Another women in the earlier sessions said
Homeschooling was illegal in her country but here she was joining us for the expo and pressing on with what she believes is true & right! She is in my prayers all the time now.
For us here in Australia TOS Expo meant being on the computer from 11pm. So Wednesday night I stayed up until the allotted time which was hard after a day of homeschooling. I only did a few sessions each night & 2am was my limit.They finished around 10am the next morning so I would then jump on when i woke up for these ones. I loved all the speakers but Susan Wise Bauer was the highlight for me on the first night. Well worth staying up for. My husband had Thursday off for crowd control, still sleep seemed to evade me.
Thursday night I tried sleeping first and setting the alarm. This only made it more difficult but I loved Sue Patrick going over the workboxes. I love using the workboxes & am sure this system makes homeschooling possible for me with the 3 girls. Friday night came and i couldn't get up or stay up. So up early Saturday morning for the finale few sessions and the TOS wrap up which was great.
They are hoping to have another Expo in November which amazed me. These women that made this possible are just incredible!! I expected them to say in a year or two not in a few months.
Those who attended or bought Expo to go tickets will be able to download the speakers sessions on MP3 at the end of the month so we can catch up or re listen to all those fantastic talks again.
Do you know this all cost me $25 and that included a digital subscription to The Old School House magazine. $25!!!!! Can you believe it. You just can't get better value anywhere.
The vendor hall is still open with freebies and discounts for all. I bought Keyboard Pals typing program for $5. Normally priced at $39.95. i can't wait to start that with the kids next week.
This expo was just so worth the money, time, effort. If you're a homeschooler or a parent looking to learn more about education, there was so much to learn from these amazing men & women.
Thank-you TOS, all the speakers & also the parents & grandparents online. This has greatly blessed my life.

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